DevOpsArtisan Blog

DevOps and Cybersecurity challenges in 2021 & how to overcome them

Written by Dan, DevOps Artisan | February 10 2021

There's a growing need for fast progress in software development. Also, project integrity and Cybersecurity represents new challenges in order to create sustainable growth.

2020 has given us significant insight into evolving security threats. Addressing this matter in a new project means you start fresh, and you can introduce security checks earlier. This is called "Security by Design" and is actually what Cybersecurity should be all about.

But what about ongoing projects?
Because there is a pressing need to update and develop software more rapidly, you can't predict in real-time what kind of vulnerabilities you will face.

So what can you do?
Identify areas of improvement, keep a constant feedback loop: create a Ping-Pong communication, and generate regular feedback between different departments. DevOps - the development and operations teams (teams, departments, processes, etc.) often work isolated from others. The process of continuous testing for security enables automated testing to deliver consistent results. You might even consider cyber-attacking your work by doing a peer review.

  • 1. Cloud Vulnerability: Cloud Vulnerability: Because most of us were forced into working remotely, you must be aware that migration implies misconfigurations - the most common cloud security vulnerability. But you also have to be aware of a data breach by access control. That implies logging using multi-factor authentication (MFA) and key rotation (changing/resetting passwords).
  • 2. Create Cybersecurity Awareness: Create Cybersecurity Awareness: Educate your employees on the importance of data protection and security protocols to improve their environment's security. This also includes a backup policy.

So staying ahead of threats rather than managing them later it's the best way because you want to keep up with evolving security threats.
Get a big insight for securing each step and component of your software development, if you are at the beginning of the road or if you need an advanced training course.

Run a security audit on a regular basis: Prioritize Cybersecurity by setting up a security strategy to assess and classify your data. This means testing and evaluation should be an iterative process that happens in multiple phases for different project versions. This new approach implies integrating regular internal audits into the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).

Introduce security earlier in the SDLC: You must be aware of implementing security measures for every step. An impact assessment should include, in particular, the measures, the guarantees, and the mechanisms envisaged mitigating risks. This means addressing vulnerabilities with proactive thinking for:

Source Control, Continuous Integration, Configuration Management, Deployment Automation, Containers, Orchestration, and Cloud Platforms.

Risks can be mitigated by reasonable means in terms of available technologies and implementation costs.

This is a new way of integrating DevOps skills into your company's security protocols. And if you add up basic software security skills to DevelOps skills, you get a joint effort, a powerful combined force called DevSecOps.

Check out our security courses designed for your team. We can help your team address evolving security threats, for basic or advanced training, including recommending best practices for securing the network and the applications.