DevOpsArtisan Blog

The hidden benefits of DevOps transformation

Written by Dan, DevOps Artisan | February 16 2021

Creating workflow actions and data models means using different tools that allow you to plan, estimate, understand and optimize a project.

Team agility is increasingly seen as a key component in driving business outcomes. Time tracking and management solutions positively impact business, especially when using a global infrastructure of data centers and networks. So, organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities is part of your daily routine to be more effective and for your team to achieve more.

Time and activity tracking

In general, time management is an essential part of every organization, enterprise, or small business. Because you work in a dynamic environment, you must be in a time-budget framework. And monitoring service is a key aspect of providing quality work.

But deciding which parameters to monitor is not that easy. Let's set aside the theoretical approaches and discuss a more practical approach that translates into a project's success or failure.

Project planning means you need to know: Who worked on what and for how long?, How much money did you earn from each person (individual metrics) regarding the whole project (KPIs or business objectives). And in order to review your team's time-budget framework, you must also have access to data and export it for different purposes: presenting a report to the board or to a client.

  • Make quick adjustment to market requests

From a monthly general plan with common goals for the team to a daily to-do list, DevOps have to be able to quickly adapt tasks related to a specific work item, especially when working on several projects at the same time. This mix of practices aims to shorten the life cycle of system development and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Continuous change and rapid experimentation mean that DevOps makes automation a priority.

So, DevOps time tracking integration into the general project means you can continually identify patterns, optimize the process, and uncover new revenue.

  • Continuously optimize the process

Time tracking means to understand, plan and estimate workflows. But the best way to improve your productivity means you must use the resulting data to optimize the process. This stands out for beginners who need to automate the process and also for more advanced users in terms of customization for a more solution delivery approach.

Continuously optimizing frees more resources so that teams can work on the most important and critical features..

The big picture: Your business benefits

    • ◼️ Save resources: time, money, and human resources (for employees or outsourcing),

      Identify new revenue,
      ◼️ Get broad reports for projects and also see the time-budget framework in one place,
      ◼️ Get precise reports and charts using search and navigate (sort, group, or filter),
      ◼️ Provide fast feedback and risk analysis,
      ◼️ Create a more cohesive team by continuous optimizing the process,
      ◼️ Adapt organizational culture for agile teams.

DevOps continuous transformation

If you already got here, this means that you are on the road to a continuous transformation.

Integration between work and time tracking for DevOps align fast work with continuous progress. Quality-driven teams lead the business outcomes to a better estimation of a time-budget framework, to more contemporary project management.

So keep on optimizing for success by uniting people, processes, and technology.

And keep learning. Learn best practices from a team that offers an adapted curriculum (every student has his own virtual lab environment) and a team that shares years of monitoring experience for a complete learning experience.