DevOpsArtisan Blog

Enterprise DevOps | concept & challenges

Written by Dan, DevOps Artisan | February 17 2021

Enterprise DevOps Concept implies that working in an enterprise or a startup, there is a fundamental core of competencies and skills. However, enterprise companies and startups are indeed very different environments. So, let's dive together into these challenges.

Enterprise DevOps' principal concept is to increase control and transparency of the software development process for a faster release of a product or a service. But scaling DevOps culture to enterprise procedurals presents challenges on multiple levels.

Decisions and change control processes length (vertical communication)

At the center of the decision-making process lies the role of the Product Manager. Corporations are more formal, and startups offer more flexibility in decision process length.

While in the first organizational structure, there are more organizational management levels (Shareholders, Board of Directors, etc.), in a startup, you can maintain a critical view on processes and define or refine new ways of working. So, maybe you're in for a dive into an  Automated Configuration Management Course.

The challenge in an enterprise is how to retain autonomy over decisions on a high degree of standardization and automation of processes and workflows. But this goes both ways. In a startup, your team is more flexible in experimenting with products and services, while you must be able to define roles to ensure that every person is taking responsibility for his part of the business. 

Also, you don't have to worry about getting continuous work/ projects and money to pay your employees in an enterprise. But when you operate within the limits of a small business, you have to switch focus from getting new clients to actually provide services to existing clients.

Communication between teams and interdependent departments (horizontal communication)

Good communication between teams and interdependent departments is the right way to develop and deliver software faster. While there is significant pressure over delivery timeframes, you must find a way to balance workflows. This translates into the culture systems of project management that have to be effective in order to coordinate people, processes, and products.

As an enterprise Project Manager, working across multiple teams and stakeholders means you need to be more customer-focused. But for startups, the DevOps department does not operate with this formality. You can set the table for a more friendly approach between customer and software development teams in a startup. This shortens the time for feedback, leading to a better understanding of customer's business interests and enabling end-to-end automation.

Get the right tools and required skills

With fast iteration in all processes surrounding development and software delivery in an enterprise, your business is positioned to deliver fast and competitive differentiation. But in order to create sustainable growth, you must find the time to identify areas of improvement. 

Read about 10 In-Demand IT Skills your employees need today

Regarding skills and software integration, you and your employees must keep an open mind. Legacy software and manual workflows can create a bit of chaotic work because you have to merge source code into software updates continuously.

To dive even deeper into DevOps' efficient process translates into agility and flexibility to respond quickly to customers' changing needs.

Using DevOps tools enables delivery, tracking, and visibility into planning and execution. But in practice when you are implementing into a startup a variety of tools and solutions that enterprises use to optimize workflow, things didn't work as predicted. So, what is the right mix of skills, and what are the best tools for your team? Due to its specific tools for automation, development, security, and testing, the proper interpretation of Enterprise DevOps can be achieved through various courses

Deployment Automation for Continuous Integration

For a Startup, Continuous Integration (CI) creates an opportunity to enforce secure coding practices and vulnerability assessment early in the software development life cycle.

Enterprises have quality assurance practices that can lead to a more significant length into decisions and change control processes.

Higher quality software products or services incorporate continuous delivery of changes and fixes. In order to reduce execution time, automating simple tasks it’s on your priority list. But in order to do it, you must be able to deploy nodes to production environments and monitor activity

Working in interdependent and related systems and subsystems, you must create acceptance for software development teams by enabling end-to-end automation, rapid and frequent releases or improvements, and creative collaboration across the enterprise.

While this is true for large enterprises, agile startups operate in a different environment. For a Startup, you are in a continuous business development that translates into planning, Collaborative development for fast testing, Continuous release, and deployment through continuous monitoring and repeated cycles of optimization.

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